Tuesday 8 September 2009

revenge of the custard creams

so here i am, with a podgy post holiday belly with a tin full of biscuits on my desk very much within grabbing distance!
where did it all go wrong? how did i fall of the no more biscuits wagon?! lol

well i suppose first i was 'on holiday' drinking beer, eating without caution etc etc and then i got a nasty cold - cue: comfort foods a-go-go! mr kipling? how nice to see you after all this time? hehe

i am going to get out my skinny bible and re-read it... just as soon as i get better of course... and then head back to the gym and work those abs!

but in the meantime i can console myself with the fact that my man prefers a cuddlier me...

*hangs head in shame*

Friday 24 July 2009

holding on to 67kg

so after a very boozy trip to Mallorca and a week of no gym... i have somehow maintained my 66.8kg! excellent news!
i think i need to re-read skinny b*tch to get a reminder on the whole no sugar scene... i've been good recently but i reckon it would help my focus during the next couple of party weeks!
being skinny and being a party girl do not a good pair make!
having said all that i have just eaten a curry! LOL
but it is the only proper thing i've eaten all day! and i went to the gym today!

Wednesday 15 July 2009

hints that the biscuits are back

today this happened...

me: (baring midriff for a millisecond) i need to buy a bikini today (frowny face)
boss: are you pregnant?
me: oh my god!
boss: what a lovely muffin top - maybe try a victorian style all in on swim suit?
me: (mortified forever)

the end

i will now weep until i'm on the beach and then hopefully i really won't care!

Tuesday 23 June 2009

four fridays til palma

o bugger - there are just 3 more fridays between me and my palma friday!
that means just over 3 weeks til i have to be ready to get into a bikini for the first time in a long time...

having just had a birthday there seems to be a lot of chocolatey giftage between me and my 10stone destination! omg! this is seriously stressful and we all know stress generally leads to higher chocolate consumption! argh!

mind over matter. mind over matter. i don't mind and he doesn't matter*

the thing is once i get to the actual beach i won't care as much (probably!) because i'll be too busy enjoying the sunshine, surf and sangria innit?! but the run up is terrifying i tells ya!

i'd also forgotten how transparent my skin is on my legs - they dazzle! and not in a good way... what a disaster it is to be english and love the beach such as i... maybe i need a year volunteering in Greece - picking up litter on dolphin coasts to work a decent tan that will only ever need topping up! my mum is off to italy for some serious sun time in a few weeks and she'll come back bronzed goddess! jealous? moi? of course! haha

of course one way to rid myself of all these nice birthday chocolatey things is to share them at the office - save myself extra calories and make friends at the same time! it's a brilliant and in no way cunning plan!

so if you find yourself near my desk this week its definitely worth dropping by! haha

*morecambe & wise classic line there for everyone while i panic!

Thursday 11 June 2009

dastardly scales

i was at my mum's the other day and her weightwatcher scales told me that i was just 65kg! that's 10stone 3lbs... not bad at all for my target of 10 stone by my bijou beach holiday in 5 weeks!

but the gym scales where i weigh myself regular tell me i'm 67kg! hello? that's a massive difference! now it was first thing in the morning so you can forgive a difference of a couple of lbs maybe but that's it - so what am i to think?! at this painful stage of the final few lbs it's too painful to keep weighing myself.. and pointless...
but that beach weekend is fast approaching! haha
anyway, i guess i'll assume i'm the lighter! haha
after a break of just a week at the gym (holiday in Scotland actually) i went yesterday and really hurt my thighs doing my new inline lunge - crikey that better be doing some good! my pt says if it hurts it needs doing the most! and my thighs are a trouble spot for me...
trying to be really good on the sugar front this month too, fallen off the sugar free wagon for a while now, but not crazy crazy just slowly slowly which i think is worse long term for badhabit forming... but how can i have birthday cupcakes and keep those lbs off?!

Thursday 7 May 2009

two fat ladies

i put on 2 lbs last week... boo!

thought i was quite good but i guess these thing happen... it's manageable i suppose but when you're so close to your target weight its a bit disheartening!

i am seriously considering laying off the booze again after a few saucy evenings and not so saucy hangovers recently - all very sociable ofcourse - the cons are beginning to outweigh the pros!

i met a taxi driver who said he quit at 31 because one night he couldn't climb the stairs to go to bed and slept with his gran! that's a funny story but i can see why he decided enough is enough! haha

i dread to think how many calories are in my favourite beers... another guy i met at the weekend said he'd cut out beer and was only drinking vodka and diet coke... an old friend, i smiled in recollection but i just don't like that stuff anymore...

a sober summer perhaps? blimey...

Tuesday 28 April 2009

weight wobble

well last week after all that seasonal chocolate i put on a couple of pounds! argh! weight wobble!

but this week after a jolly good talking to myself i'd lost it all again! woohoo!

don't fret - i'm still enjoying the less than useful food & drink 20% of the time just trying to maintain a saintly existence for the other 80% haha

it's tough but getting old means you gotta get vain! haha get down with a bit of self-preservation!

i just wish cocktails were a) less calorific and b) didn't go down so easy! ;)

after my personal trainer session earlier this month i realised how weak i am - so now that stamina is up and waistline is down its time for operation jamjar! haha hopefully in 3 months i'll be far more likely to be able to help out in any stiff jar situation... i'm such a weakling! hehe

Friday 10 April 2009


2009 it is as we know...
but yesterday i was thrown back in time to an altogether skinnier time!
2003 ladies and gents is 6 years ago and yet i kept a pair of non too special combat pants that didn't really fit no more... why did i do this? well i liked them a lot and i guess i hoped that 'soon' i would fit into them again! well 'soon' it wasn't and i can't believe they didn't get thrown out but yesterday i decided to try them on or throw them out...
the strange feeling i had wearing such old but landmark trousers again is difficult to explain...
i don't feel so very slender and yet my jeans are all too big and my skinny combats fit perfect! haha
so i guess slender i must be!
so this has thrown me into 'clearing out my wardrobe' mode (which is convenient cos its all spring clean time! haha) and if it doesn't fit or i haven't worn it in years it's probably getting given to the local charity shop come monday...
which is odd cos you'd think that my 6 yr old skinny trews would inspire me to keep stuff - but nope i ain't keeping them jeans that are too big cos i ain't going back there ! haha
my weight loss is gonna be someone else's gain the way i see it, what goes around comes around, you gotta give a little back to keep natural order in balance...
taking myself and my circa03 ass shopping tomorrow for some jeans that fit!

Wednesday 18 March 2009

ever decreasing lady

a week off with a tummy bug and my weigh in is 65.5kg!

interesting business...

this is fact fans 144lbs - just 4lbs away from my target weight of 10stone... amazing!

wonder if i can rid them by the summer?!

will make getting into a bikini (should i be so lucky) a whole lot more pleasant an experience!

and hear this friend, a man who i met on Monday thought i was 25!

that's almost 10 years younger than i actually be! haha

the fringe is doing wonders! hehe

but it's quite inspiring to think that last September i was 74kg and look at me now!

Monday 2 March 2009

stay away from the niceness

so at last after some effort at the gym and at the fridge my weight is steadily going down instead of up (gives herself a great big pat on the back!)
last weigh in saw 66.4kg (which is 146lbs or 10st 4lbs...)
this is still too heavy in my opinion for a girl my height although i do seem to have gone down a dress size and black is becoming more and more flattering! haha
i do feel as tho i'm on the right track tho and pretty soon - maybe next month - i'm going to get a refresher from my personal trainer...
i've been seeing a physio for my dodgy knee and it seems i need to pump my inside thigh muscle the most, altho the hip muscle hasn't been pulling its weight either - literally! seeing the knee quack again tomorrow but feel like i've found the problem which makes it more manageable... nothing like an official knee problem for getting out of the heavy stuff down the gym! haha
been trying to get off the refined sugar (without that much discipline i admit) since xmas but have been pretty good today and like any junkie you gotta take one day at a time!
mum reckons i can take in all my jeans that are too big for me - which would be cool and save me some money! but i'm gonna need a new hole punch for all my belts! its expensive this weight loss! haha
i would say after all these months of being good and not so good that planning is key. its so easy to get caught on the hop, hungry with nothing but junk to choose from... and don't get me started on eating out! i went away for the weekend and ate out 3 nights in a row - hello? pasta? pizza? nachos? seriously! haha
oh well, life is for living...

Thursday 19 February 2009

route 66

so i'm down to 66.8kg which means i'm just .8kg away from being 10.5 stone (i think, coversion is always a headfuddle!)

i have developed a new regime! haha

not like Saddam or anything too much, just Sundays, Tuesdays, Thursdays at the gym with an option on Fridays and a lie in on Saturdays haha

my 80/20 policy failed last weekend for our valentines trip to the chocolate factory but you know life is for living right?! \unfortunatley it led to a spiral of choc eating all week! yikes! that dammm sugar! it gets me while i'm looking away for two seconds!

will try to be good but i tasted this amazing Maya Gold version of Green & Blacks and oh my it tasted GOOD! haha at least it's organic!

forgot my big jumper for the gym today and had to wear a vest i have in my bag for emergencies! oh blimey! but hey it fitted a lot better than it did last time i wore it so YEY! haha

onwards and upwards comrades x

Monday 9 February 2009

post Christmas joy

2 weeks to put 'em on 5 weeks to shake 'em off again!

those pesky 4lbs i put on thanks to festive treats have finally dropped from my hips! hurrah!

to celebrate i will now eat a Cadbury's Wispa bar hehe

isn't it incredible how easy it is to put on a small-yet-visible amount of weight but an absolute mountain to climb to get rid of it again... it isn't fair really is it?
i still haven't managed to shake the refined sugar cravings but i feel this is weather related and as soon as the snow melts i won't crave hot chocolate quite so much... probably... hehe

Monday 2 February 2009

just one more sugar hit before bedtime

oh man. i had some sugar cravings today. and i gave in...

what a big let down i am! i ate a piece of dairy milk and it was yum... then there were donuts at the office and i ate a small iced ring one but felt ill soon after - i know that sugar isn't good for me and yet i crave it like a honey monster! argh!

the weather isn't helping of course. a nice hot chocolate before bedtime with the icy temperatures as they are just hits the spot... which is dairy too which i'm also trying to sideline...

being good just ain't easy!

but you know what if it were easy we'd all be thin haha

today a supermarket announced 'mid' sizes for ladies jeans - what a freakin awesome idea - as a mid size myself currently only 1 pair of jeans in my wardrobe fit me and they need washing! i've been having trouble getting a new pair because i was 'mid' size! of course i was aiming to be the size below but this story today continues... apparently if i buy more expensive jeans they're measured in inches and so you can always get a pair to fit - what a pile of pants! i don't know who told them that.. (the supermarket PR perhaps? ah that'll be it... hehe)

haven't weighed myself for over a week. i've been pretty good so fingers crossed for at least a couple of pounds off tomorrow but with today's misdemeanors i'm not hopeful... blasted donuts!

Tuesday 27 January 2009

the biscuit aisle

by crikey my will power was tested yesterday!

i was in my local supermarche when i got the worst sugar craving of the year!

i thought perhaps there was something bread-like to munch on but decided against it, then i thought perhaps a juice will stave off this orrible craving - but this took me past the cakes - oh jeez how i looked longingly at them cupcakes! haha

sufficient to say i've still not kicked my post-chrimbo sugar habit!

i been all angry and narky last week and now i realise why, its the sugar junkie me asking 'show me the biscuits!'

i will not let mr sugar beat me! i'm having grapes at the cinema later and if it means having a spoonful of honey after my dinner tonight then so be it!

and my top tip for sugar hankering in supermarkets? a natural snack bar thankyouverymuch


Monday 12 January 2009

spicy cheese on toast

oh god.
one week after all festive nonsense is officially over and i've only managed to lose 1lb, which in my book counts for nothing1

and i know the problem...

i've been re-aquainted with the evil dairy loveliness that is cheese at various festive events and the pure fat product has gone straight to my hips! haha
on saturday night we busted out the leftover spicy cheese from our NYE do and had spicy cheese on toast and cheesy nachos! omg!
i didn't just fall off the cheese wagon, i don't even know what the wagon looks like! haha
but you know what - its freakin cold and i'm only human and i don't like to waste stuff and we're almost out of xmas goodies to munch on so the future is bright!


i did have some cherry beer at the weekend that i probly shouldn't have but heck it was warming in the sub-zero london temperatures! haha

right now i'm trying to make a cherry tomato and sweet pepper soup...
now that sounds healthy right?!

no more biscuits resumes normal activity asap! haha

Monday 5 January 2009

new year new pounds

well it had to happen...

i knew i had got away pretty light for what i'd put away over Christmas... 2lbs was not the final figure for chrimbo weight gain - nope, i had a cheese & wine party or two to go to after that initial week! haha so another 2 lbs i did put on!

and with all the festive leftovers lying around the kitchen i'll not deny its difficult to get off the chocolate wagon, however i am back in the groove having took my sorry self to the gym saturday, today and for the rest of time! haha

its amazing how quickly all your good work can come undone! i was xmas shopping one week, in bed with the flu the next, away for xmas for the next and the gym is all but a pipe dream! my personal trainer would not be impressed! but as soon as i could i was back in the gym (Dec 30th actually! haha)

2009 i will be the best i can be! haha tony robbins would be proud! those FOUR Christmas pounds will be gone by the end of.. um, let's see, easy does it... er, February! hehe

now where are rest of those festive nuts... hehe