Thursday 19 February 2009

route 66

so i'm down to 66.8kg which means i'm just .8kg away from being 10.5 stone (i think, coversion is always a headfuddle!)

i have developed a new regime! haha

not like Saddam or anything too much, just Sundays, Tuesdays, Thursdays at the gym with an option on Fridays and a lie in on Saturdays haha

my 80/20 policy failed last weekend for our valentines trip to the chocolate factory but you know life is for living right?! \unfortunatley it led to a spiral of choc eating all week! yikes! that dammm sugar! it gets me while i'm looking away for two seconds!

will try to be good but i tasted this amazing Maya Gold version of Green & Blacks and oh my it tasted GOOD! haha at least it's organic!

forgot my big jumper for the gym today and had to wear a vest i have in my bag for emergencies! oh blimey! but hey it fitted a lot better than it did last time i wore it so YEY! haha

onwards and upwards comrades x

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