Tuesday 8 September 2009

revenge of the custard creams

so here i am, with a podgy post holiday belly with a tin full of biscuits on my desk very much within grabbing distance!
where did it all go wrong? how did i fall of the no more biscuits wagon?! lol

well i suppose first i was 'on holiday' drinking beer, eating without caution etc etc and then i got a nasty cold - cue: comfort foods a-go-go! mr kipling? how nice to see you after all this time? hehe

i am going to get out my skinny bible and re-read it... just as soon as i get better of course... and then head back to the gym and work those abs!

but in the meantime i can console myself with the fact that my man prefers a cuddlier me...

*hangs head in shame*