Monday 21 November 2011

party season

party season (read party food and beverages) is no good for the waistline, and yet it is optimum time for frock wearing! such an evil combination! haha

i am currently 10 stone despite not having been to a gym for over 6 weeks due to moving house/ being on holiday/ starting new job

i went to have a look at a few this last few days but none of them had a patch on my old gym in Brum :'( i miss my old gym! but i have a wardrobe full of cute size 10 frocks that i have no intention of getting too fat for so it's either new gym or running round the block and i just don't think the pavement is good for my knees darlings!

so there you have it... my inner skinny b*tch is trying to keep a grip on my sugar & booze intake but peer pressure is rife... i'll keep you up to date!

Saturday 23 April 2011

nine lives

Nine stone Nine pounds... that's the current weigh in...

never in my wildest thinnest dreams did i think i'd ever be in the nines again!!!

of course it's partly due to stress, not so great.. but a nine is a nine honey ;)

don't know what to make of it all really, i'm eating healthy and i'm going the gym regular.. do you suppose i'll keep losing weight even though i no longer need to? it's great fitting into dresses that i haven't worn in years cos the hips & bust were too tight..but i don't want to lose my shape entirely! yikes!

mother nature how you play with me!

Wednesday 9 March 2011

things I've learned

stress is great for keeping the weight off.
not so great for keeping blogs up to date.
that is all ;)