Thursday 7 May 2009

two fat ladies

i put on 2 lbs last week... boo!

thought i was quite good but i guess these thing happen... it's manageable i suppose but when you're so close to your target weight its a bit disheartening!

i am seriously considering laying off the booze again after a few saucy evenings and not so saucy hangovers recently - all very sociable ofcourse - the cons are beginning to outweigh the pros!

i met a taxi driver who said he quit at 31 because one night he couldn't climb the stairs to go to bed and slept with his gran! that's a funny story but i can see why he decided enough is enough! haha

i dread to think how many calories are in my favourite beers... another guy i met at the weekend said he'd cut out beer and was only drinking vodka and diet coke... an old friend, i smiled in recollection but i just don't like that stuff anymore...

a sober summer perhaps? blimey...