Wednesday 20 August 2008

the stress diet

oh my god! i must have lost a stone in stress this last 10 days. moving house is a nightmare!
currently unpacking so having trouble eating proper so went to tesco for some instant healthy fodder like nanas and hummus haha

i was reading the ingredients of everything i picked up including cereals and man there is sugar in EVERYTHING! presumably nothing tastes nice without it! except we know that isn't true so why why why? i need to take skinny b*tch with me next time cos there are strange additives and i'm not sure which ones are nasty - they all sound very unnatural but i have to be balanced bewteen living life like wot it was in the dark ages and being a thoroughly modern millie! haha

i looked for this organic red wine too but could only find one californian one (of course! hehe) and it said contains sulphates and i'm not sure thats allowed... i will have to conuslt the b*tches...

did enjoy some au natural pickled onions though - haven't really had pickled onions ever but i dicovered Barry Norman makes his own from a passed down family recipe and while i ate 3 spicy little gems i had the 'Film' theme I Wish I Knew by Barry Taylor running thru my head - pickled onions with their own theme tune! you can't buy that kinda style! haha

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