Friday 15 August 2008

caught unawares

today i ate a chocolate bourbon. despite reading the ingrediants first. no wait, don't look atme like that with pity at even hoping to change my sugar-addict ways! let me explain!

i was up late watching Mary Poppins at the theatre (and very good it was too!) and so this morning tres sleep deprived: therefore low on energy and i when offered said bourbon biscuit my resistance was at its lowest this week!

i am of course disappointed. i've left you down, i've let the skinny b*tches down and most of all i've let myself down.

but i have been to the gym every day this week despite being unusually tired as my body clock adjusts post holiday, so i guess i'm allowed to fall of the wagon once - i'm only human damit! haha

skinny b*tch says don't get caught with your pants down - but its easier said than done, tho i admit if you want to eat healthy you have to be prepared cos the shops sure ain't there to help! they even sell crisps and fizzy drinks at my gym rather than fruit and water?! crazy!

i am currently 156lbs (previously 161lbs) and hopefully will be less in another week!

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