Wednesday, 27 August 2008

beans beans they're good for the heart

the more you eat the more you... well we all know how that ends! but i have been making such an effort in the pulse dept!

and it is an effort - cos if you don't spruce em up they taste real bland!

growing up i ate a lot of broad beans cos my dad really liked them - i must get some for the freezer in fact - chickpeas rock and kidney beans are easy to chuck into tomato sauce but the thing i'm stuggling to replace is pasta... i know couscous is yummy but i only like it sauce free... soup is good too in moderation... but pasta is pasta! i guess i'll just have to apply the rule of moderation to it - my belief is most Italians seem kinda skinny to me anyway! that blessed beautiful people, they eat so well, ice cream, pasta, wine! - and look so good - its not fair!

i have been eating fruit for breakfast for two weeks now and all is well - so i can recommend it! my dairy intake is right down and i've lost another 2lbs so i must be doing something right... well if i didn't lose them in stress over the past fortnight that is, haha

Wednesday, 20 August 2008

the stress diet

oh my god! i must have lost a stone in stress this last 10 days. moving house is a nightmare!
currently unpacking so having trouble eating proper so went to tesco for some instant healthy fodder like nanas and hummus haha

i was reading the ingredients of everything i picked up including cereals and man there is sugar in EVERYTHING! presumably nothing tastes nice without it! except we know that isn't true so why why why? i need to take skinny b*tch with me next time cos there are strange additives and i'm not sure which ones are nasty - they all sound very unnatural but i have to be balanced bewteen living life like wot it was in the dark ages and being a thoroughly modern millie! haha

i looked for this organic red wine too but could only find one californian one (of course! hehe) and it said contains sulphates and i'm not sure thats allowed... i will have to conuslt the b*tches...

did enjoy some au natural pickled onions though - haven't really had pickled onions ever but i dicovered Barry Norman makes his own from a passed down family recipe and while i ate 3 spicy little gems i had the 'Film' theme I Wish I Knew by Barry Taylor running thru my head - pickled onions with their own theme tune! you can't buy that kinda style! haha

Friday, 15 August 2008

caught unawares

today i ate a chocolate bourbon. despite reading the ingrediants first. no wait, don't look atme like that with pity at even hoping to change my sugar-addict ways! let me explain!

i was up late watching Mary Poppins at the theatre (and very good it was too!) and so this morning tres sleep deprived: therefore low on energy and i when offered said bourbon biscuit my resistance was at its lowest this week!

i am of course disappointed. i've left you down, i've let the skinny b*tches down and most of all i've let myself down.

but i have been to the gym every day this week despite being unusually tired as my body clock adjusts post holiday, so i guess i'm allowed to fall of the wagon once - i'm only human damit! haha

skinny b*tch says don't get caught with your pants down - but its easier said than done, tho i admit if you want to eat healthy you have to be prepared cos the shops sure ain't there to help! they even sell crisps and fizzy drinks at my gym rather than fruit and water?! crazy!

i am currently 156lbs (previously 161lbs) and hopefully will be less in another week!

Thursday, 14 August 2008

no deep fried haggis for me

so i was on holiday in Scotland which meant two things: lie-ins and beer! haha

but since i'm trying to be good and change my wrong-un ways i put a beer curfew in place that meant no daytime drinking! haha

and surprisingly it worked!
6pm was beer o'clock and i even went had a booze-free Wednesday to keep a lid on the old calories, but still had a few cheeky ales the rest of the time!

so feel quite pleased with my holiday excesses - in that they weren't as bad as usual! haha

my holiday reading however was traumatising! i read a book called Skinny B*tch which told me to trust no-one when it came to modern food and that a global food corporation would sell its granny for a bigger profit and that means dirty dirty chemicals and hormones are in our food cos it makes their back pocket bigger! how rude!

i was literally agog at how awful and un-natural our food chain has become and it made me relieved to be a veggiwarian! though i do eat dairy and am currently cutting that right back! haha

its all about chickpeas at chez jodes now baby!