Thursday 11 February 2010

what's half a cup between friends?

3kg to target weight and the inevitable has happened...

i seem to have become a DD, down half a cup on the old knockers!

this is okay, and a long time coming really... when at my slimmest (pre-20) i was a D/DD so being an E last few years has seemed excessive...

of course it's the last place i want to lose weight! my thighs are still far too big... but i'm working on those with evil squats and lunges and fat burning treadmill...

but it means i need to go brassiere shopping! need - not just want! yey! also bras tend to look nicer in the smaller sizes - tho DD is hardly classed as small, the best bras only seem to go to D...

i had a look online but you really gotta go try them on so to department stores i go (come payday, way too skint for such stuff right now!)

i'm a big fan of boobs tho, so hoping this is isn't the beginning of a massive shrinkage! lol

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