Sunday 7 December 2008

zero tolerance

with Christmas fast approaching the festive treats are being thrust upon me at every turn - and i love mince pies! argh!
my new healthy eating regime has taken over my life though! i can no longer enjoy the old sugar filled treats of yesteryear because my new detoxed tummy doesn't like it one bit!
i went to a friends the other weekend and was offered a warm mince pie - wow - that's some tempting treat! so i indulged in not one but two warm mince pies! on top of this i had my first alcohol for a month and the two toxic treats made me feel sick! how rude! what have i done? i've ruined Christmas for myself! what am i gonna eat? haha
then at my work xmas party this weekend i was enjoying the gingerbread cheesecake when suddenly i couldn't eat anymore of the tiny portion! forget computer saya no, tummy says no! i have zero tolerance to bad food!
i've created a monster!
well not zero, i seem to manage a bit of the bad stuff despite my new awareness and avoidance of unatural ingredients, but this is a startling discovery!
it can only be a good sign that my body is detoxing successfully if i'm now rejecting this artificial crap that we're all spoon fed in the western world... there was a thing on the news about a bunch of remote people who were for whatever reason thrust into 'modern society' and given meals which made them sick from all the additives their bodies weren't used to...
but i ain't gonna live on watery porridge and bread for the rest of my life - i just didn't expect my body to reject refined sugar so quickly after i cut it down - crazy!

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