Thursday, 25 September 2008

off the wagon

a diet lady once told me 6 weeks is all a diet is any good for, cos your body gets used to it and your weight loss plateaus...

so as i popped to pizza express with my friend belle monday night i remembered these words of wisdom and gave myself a week off my new healthy eating! convenient hey?! hehe

then while at the cinema yesterday* i indulged in a ben&jerrys milkshake and a bag of cheesy puffs! haha i'm just hoping i don't fall off the healthy wagon for good!

it's interesting actually, and i don't know whether its refreshed tastebuds free of chemicals or merely psychological, but these foods which i used to crave so bad didn't taste so great this week! almost the opposite -they tasted a bit fake (milkshake) or cumbersome (pizza) which was frankly weird! but the skinny bitches did predict this would happen! those wise ladies... tho the rich tea biccies that have invaded my morning routine once more aren't tasting bad at all! haha

hopefully i won't put on too many pounds while i'm off the wagon but i'll keep you posted as always!

*amazing! everyone should see Grease big screen!

Thursday, 18 September 2008

boring bored

i'm a wee bit bored of my healthy eating regime already haha

its only a matter of me finding new healthy things to eat instead of the short menu i've lazily prepared for myself over the last few weeks...

things is i'm feeling good for the health-kick up the ass and don't have any inclination to eat the bad stuff anymore - its just i'm not well read when it comes to all things healthy and tasty...

research will be my friend, but i'm looking fwd to my weekly Friday blow-out haha, one chippy dinner coming right up!

i really need to figure our what to do with lentils... and is there such a thing as a healthy apple crumble?! i need answers! haha

Monday, 15 September 2008

so far so skinny

so a month after reading my new food bible, i'm 68.6kg and counting thats not much since the last drop but its a healthy steady weight loss i'm experiencing... nothing fast and faddy!

i also feel a lot healthier so i think everyone should read skinny b*tch! my boyf has taken to rolling his eyes when i say no thanks to milkshake/ crisps/ pizza in fact anything i deem a bad choice - he says i'm not his partner in crime anymore! haha

i did take him for a burger on Friday night tho - i don't want to be a dull girl and everyone has to have one indulgence a week so i had falafel while he had buffalo... yummy!

but i passed on the chocolate milkshake, hehe

Wednesday, 3 September 2008

wasting away

so i'm now 69kg - woohoo i'm in the 60s baby! so long the 70s, the good times are here - i reckon i should be about 66kg so i'm trucking on and the people down the gym now recognise me and say ehllo! haha i'm an everyday-er!

i was a little disappointed to discover a pair of new jeans from New York in May have become tent-like round my waist ... now they were big to start with so no there's no helping them!

but while i enjoy shopping for new clothes and a smaller waistline is a really great reason to do so - i'm trying to stop buying new clothes because i have so many already!! perhaps i will fit into the smaller stuff a bit better soon and will still avoid the shops...

i invented a really healthy dinner last week, steamed beans, cabbage and courgettes with stirfried beansprouts mushrooms and peppers, with a topping of worcestershire sauce! marvellous!